Street Services - Who to Call
Who you need to call for...
After-hours road emergencies
Call our utilities emergency/after-hours on call service at 360-737-0592.
During regular working hours
Call 360-817-1563 for the following problems:
- Urgent situations, ie., stop sign down, road hazard, animal carcass or debris obstructing traffic lane, major water leak, etc...
- Your street light is out or going on and off. Street lights that are a hazard should be reported by calling us immediately. An orange ribbon tied around the pole designates it as a pole that Clark Public Utilities will be working on. In this case, it may take a month or so.
- Non-urgent street repair, or an animal carcass located on the side of the road or sidewalk.
- Non-emergency problems with the storm sewer in your street.
- Sweeping: Please note the City of Camas streets are swept in accordance with the operations and maintenance of stormwater guidelines. Our goal is to sweep all public city streets approximately nine times a year. Due to environmental factors such as rain, ice, and leaves on the road, sweeping times can vary significantly.