Police Contact Information
Police Department
2100 NE 3rd Avenue
Camas, WA 98607
Business Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Excluding Holidays
Administrative and Department Business
Phone: 360-834-4151
Dial 911 for Emergencies
Dial 360-693-3111 for calls for service, or to contact a Police Officer or Animal Control for non-emergency situations
Terri Adams | Records Clerk II | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tadams |
Kraig Anspach | Code Enforcement Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: kanspach |
Kevin Antoine | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: kantoine |
Tessa Bennett | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tbennett |
Brie Bieber | Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: bbieber |
Bryan Caine | Animal Control | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: bcaine |
David Chaney | Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: dechaney |
James Donlon | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: jdonlon |
Teresa Duey | Police Records Clerk II | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tduey |
Diane Dyra | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: ddyra |
Tim Fellows | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tfellows |
David Garcia | Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: dgarcia |
Carlos Gonzalez | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: cgonzalez |
Angela Hancock | Police Records Clerk II | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: ahancock |
Casey Handley | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: chandley |
Stefan Hausinger | Detective Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: shausinger |
Kevin Hermann | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: khermann |
Steven Jeffries | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: sjeffries |
Tina Jones | Police Chief | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tjones |
Taylor Kruse | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tthune |
Ward Kruse | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: wkruse |
Jason Langman | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: jlangman |
Gary Manning | Detective | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: gmanning |
Brent Mayhugh | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: bmayhugh |
Tim McNall | Detective | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tmcnall |
Chuck Nadgwick | Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: cnadgwick |
Shyla Nelson | Police Captain | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: snelson |
Lawson Parkhurst | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: lparkhurst |
Wendy Peebles | Parking Enforcement Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: wpeebles |
Wade Ramsey | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: wramsey |
Brian Salwasser | Sergeant | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: bsalwasser |
Henry Scott | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: hscott |
Tyson Simmons | Police Officer | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: tsimmons |
Shawna Sommerville | Lead Police Records Clerk | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: ssommerville |
Police Department _ | 360-834-4151 | Email Name: police |