
The Street Department performs the following services:

  • General maintenance including filling of potholes, installation and repair of street signs and guard rails, roadside vegetation removal and other general street maintenance activities
  • Maintenance of all street lighting for roads and intersections
  • Snow and ice removal
  • Sweeping of streets
  • Maintenance of traffic signals

Street Sweeping: The City’s goal has traditionally been to sweep all public city streets approximately nine times a year. However, due to the growth the City has seen over the past several years, this service has been reduced as a result of limited resources and other factors such as rain, ice, and leaves on the road. There may be years where sweeping in your specific neighborhood is significantly reduced. If you have questions on the last time your neighborhood was swept, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The City maintains and updates a Pavement Preservation Plan that includes all streets within the City of Camas. It is this plan that informs the City on which roads receive preservation “treatment” every year, such as overlays, slurry seals and chip seals. For more information on these various types of treatment, view here. The City’s goal is to maintain the condition of all the roads in the City to a level that reduces emergency repairs and minimizes the need to fill potholes and to maintain safe driving conditions for all of our residents, businesses and visitors.

Enter a service request, or contact us for any of the following concerns:

  • Downed Stop signs
  • Burned out or flickering Street Light.
  • Street lights that are a hazard should be reported by calling us immediately. An orange ribbon tied around the pole designates it as a pole that Clark Public Utilities will be working on. In this case it may take a month or so.
  • Non-urgent street repair, or an animal carcass that needs to be removed from the side of the road or sidewalk.

For after-hours emergencies, call our monitoring center at 360-737-0592.

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Downtown Holiday Tree
Street Maintenance
Winter snow storm street plowing
Street Maintenance by Lake