Lacamas Lake Treatment Scheduled for Summer 2024
Following recommendations from the recently completed Lacamas, Round, and Fallen Leaf Lake Management Plan, the City is moving forward with chemical treatment of Lacamas Lake later this summer to help control the amount of phosphorus in the water which contributes to harmful algal blooms.
Community members may soon see a Public Notice in the Post Record the next couple weeks referencing “coverage under the Department of Ecology Aquatic Plant and Algae Management Permit”. This public notice, along with additional on-site notices a few days prior to, and the day of, treatments are a part of the permitting process. We are proposing to use a product called EutroSORB WC that permanently inactivates the phosphorus and can be applied via surface spray from a boat.
EutroSORB does not impact water quality or chemistry and has an excellent safety profile with no environmental, health, or safety concerns for workers, recreational users or fish and wildlife – the applicators typically just ask for space from recreational users when on the lake applying the product. We’ll provide more information as warmer weather approaches!
In the meantime, here’s a great video from Kitsap Lake in Bremerton, WA, showing the application and benefits they’ve seen from this same line of products -