Municode Meetings and Video: The City moved off of Granicus and migrated all data and videos to Municode Meetings saving staff time in developing agendas and finalizing minutes.
Web Design and Development: The City's Web Advisory Team worked with Municode web designers to create a new community-focused website with many new features creating a site that is easy to navigate, full of commonly accessed information, mobile friendly, with enhanced new services. The new site along with four subsites (City Utilities, Parks & Recreation, Library and the Development (Projects and Maps) were designed. Content was migrated and updated. The go-live is planned for January 2021.
Library: The Automated Materials Handler and Sensource People Counter were installed and configured.
Municipal Court: The door access and video surveillance were installed for improved securites.
Technology Roadmap: Work will continue on the City's Technology Roadmap goals and initiatives.
Phone and Voicemail RFP: The City's replacement Request for Proposals was posted, proposals were reviewed and demo's took place. An award is expected in January of 2021.
City Annexation Building: Networking, securities, and other technology work will continue to prepare the newly acquired (previously Bank of America) building for employees and services for the community. The drive thru was utilized during COVID safe phases for Finance staff to continue providing customer service to our citizens. Fiber to City Hall and network enhancements were completed.
Other Systems and Application development: The Parks and Recreation RecTrak, WebTrak and MobileTrak systems were be upgraded adding many new features to online services. Instant Messaging services will be reviewed for improved communications.