Fireworks Safety

The 4th of July and New Year's Eve are time for fun, but citizens must practice safety and know the regulations. Please handle fireworks responsibly and be courteous to your neighbors. For a complete list of legal dates and times for selling and discharging fireworks in Camas and Washougal, please see frequently asked questions in our knowledge base.
Please Remember:
- Only purchase fireworks from locally permitted, Washington state-licensed stands.
- In the city of Washougal, only Safe and Sane fireworks are legal for sales and use.
- The use of illegal fireworks, or discharging fireworks outside of the legally permitted dates and times may result in a fine and possible confiscation of your fireworks. The penalties, applicable in both Camas and Washougal start at $250 for the first offense, increasing to a $500 fine for a second offense, $750 for a third offense, and $1,000 for each subsequent offense within a three-year period.
Fireworks Safety
- Be prepared and remember that fireworks safety begins with you!
- Do you know the fireworks that are illegal in Washington State?
- Can you tell the difference between illegal and legal fireworks? It could save a life!
- Be sure you know the dates and times that fireworks can be legally purchased and discharged!
- Do you know the top causes of injuries involving fireworks? Handle with Care!
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