
Operational Priorities

  1. Emergency Response
  2. Operational Readiness
  3. Training
  4. Mental and Physical Fitness
  5. Support Activities

Battalion Chiefs

Four Battalion Chiefs manage all emergency operations and training. The Emergency Operations Division provides emergency response to any emergency that threatens life or property, including fire suppression, technical rescue, medical first response and paramedic ambulance transport services.

There are fifty-two 24-hour Emergency Personnel and three fire stations.

Personnel hold either EMT/I.V. Technician or EMT/Paramedic certification in addition to extensive fire and rescue training. Fire Captains, in addition to supervision of emergency crews, are assigned an area of administrative responsibility.

“A” Shift – Battalion Chief Villines and Captains Baldwin, Coyle and Tierney are the Officers of A shift, which has 17 crew. Captain Coyle manages apparatus, Captain Tierney is in charge of uniforms & fitness equipment, and Captain Baldwin is a certified car seat installation technician.

“B” Shift Battalion Chief Silva and Captains Bennett, Linton and Porter are the Officers of B shift which has 17 crew. Captain Porter manages complex guides and Captain Linton is in charge of radios.

“C” Shift Battalion Chief West and Captains Hammond, Brown and Faircloth are the Officers of C shift, which has 18 crew. Captain Hammond is in charge of station supplies and ladder testing, Captain Brown is the department’s safety officer and head of disaster preparedness, and Captain Faircloth manages the department’s PPE.