Ward Information

Agendas are published six days before the meeting and include the Zoom meeting details at the top of the agenda.

The City of Camas has three wards. Of the seven elected Council members, there is one elected at-large and six elected within wards. The wards are established based on population estimates within the City's boundaries and are reviewed and modified periodically by Council.

Go to this site, then go to the Search tab to enter your address and confirm your Ward - MapsOnline, Clark County WA. GIS

Ward 1

Council Members Marilyn Boerke and John Nohr represent Ward 1.

Ward 2

Council Members Vacant and Tim Hein represent Ward 2.

Ward 3

Council Members Jennifer Senescu and Leslie Lewallen represent Ward 3.

At Large

Council Member John Svilarich is at large representing all wards.