Incumbents Remain and John Svilarich is Camas’ Newest City Council Member Following November Election
Agendas are published six days before the meeting and include the Zoom meeting details at the top of the agenda.
The November 7 General Election has been certified, and the results show that Camas’ City Council incumbents will remain on the dais, along with the newest member, John Svilarich.
The four incumbents were Ward 2’s Bonnie Carter, Ward 1’s John Nohr, Ward 3’s Jennifer Senescu and current Mayor Steve Hogan. Svilarich was the only newcomer to win the At Large position which will be vacated by current member Don Chaney at the end of December.
In terms of results, Carter was re-elected to the Ward 2 position by Camas voters in the Nov. 7, 2023, general election, earning 62% of the vote. Nohr was re-elected to the Ward 1 position, earning 55% of the vote. Jennifer Senescu ran unopposed and was re-elected to the Ward 3 position, earning 94% of the vote. Mayor Steve Hogan was re-elected, earning 73% of the vote. And Camas’ newest Council Member, Svilarich was elected to the At Large position by voters, earning 58% of the vote. As mentioned, the election was certified by the Clark County Elections department today, Nov. 28. The returning members and Svilarich will be officially sworn in at the Jan. 2, 2024, Camas City Council Meeting, with their terms ending December 31, 2027. Due to the filling of vacated seats, Nohr and Senescu will also be sworn in at the Dec. 4, Council Meeting.
About John Svilarich
John Svilarich and his family have lived in Camas since 2002. Svilarich currently serves as the President of a large Camas HOA. A regular volunteer and supporter of the community, Svilarich served three years on the Citizens Advisory Committee with the Camas School District and also served on the district’s Long Term Capital Projects Planning committee. In addition, he served on the Port of Camas-Washougal’s Waterfront Advisory Committee, the City of Camas’ Website Review team and the City’s North Shore Citizens Advisory Committee.
Svilarich has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and finance from CSU Sacramento, and also has various professional certifications. In his free time, Svilarich can often be found along one of our many trails or rivers, walking his dog and enjoying nature.