Dog License

Black Lab

Camas Municipal Code requires that all dogs over the age of six months within the city limits be licensed. The license is good for the lifetime of the dog, and should be kept on the dog’s collar at all times.

To obtain a dog license from the City, please bring in $43 per dog and proof of a current rabies vaccination from your veterinarian—this certificate must include identifying information about the dog as well as the date the vaccination expires. You will also need to fill out a quick Dog Licensing Application. You may print a copy of the from here and bring it in, or fill it out at the counter. 

Should your dog’s license ever be lost, bring in a current copy of your dog’s rabies vaccination certificate along with $8 and you will be issued a replacement tag. No yearly renewal is required.

Each animal must have a separate license, and City Code stipulates that no one may keep more than four animals, including cats, on any premise in the City. The City does not issue licenses for cats.

If your dog has changed owners or is deceased, or if you have moved, please contact the Finance Department so that we can update our records.

Dog licenses can only be obtained in person at the Finance Department in City Hall. Payment can be made with cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card. 

Dog License Application