Goal: A comprehensive annual budget will be adopted that includes a concise summary of key issues and aspects of operating costs and capital components.
A detailed budget document disclosing all anticipated revenues and authorized appropriations for operating and capital expenditures will be prepared and published. The budget establishes the level of services to be provided by each department. The budget will include the title of each employee position funded, the number of staff in each position and full-time equivalents. Expenditures will be monitored through the accounting system with monthly reports to assure budgetary compliance.
Discretionary revenues received on a one-time basis will be used to increase fund reserves, or used for capital expenditures or other uses that are not dependent on ongoing revenues, and will not be used for operating expenditures.
The budget summary will disclose significant changes in priorities or service levels, identify major financial factors including future debt obligations, use of fund balance, list major capital projects, and disclose if the budget is balanced or not.
The proposed annual budget will be presented on the city website for better communication of financial information to citizens and other interested parties at least two weeks before the public hearing. The adopted budget will be available on the city website before the new fiscal year begins.