City of Camas Recognized by ETC With “Leading The Way Award” for Ranking in Top 10% Nationally

City of Camas Recognized by ETC With “Leading The Way Award” for Ranking in Top 10% Nationally

The City of Camas ranks in the top 10% nationally for exceptional service delivery according to the ETC Institute. As such, the City was recognized with ETC Institute’s “Leading the Way Award.”

The “Leading the Way Award" was created to recognize local governments for outstanding achievement in the delivery of services to residents. Recipients of the award rank in the top 10% of all local governments in the United States with regard to their composite performance in the three core areas that are assessed on ETC lnstitute's DirectionFinder® Survey:

  • satisfaction with the overall quality of services
  • satisfaction with customer service provided by employees, and
  • satisfaction with the value residents think they receive for local taxes and fees.

“Our City staff is well known for going above and beyond and doing a lot with a little. This is something we hear from residents consistently in relation to all our departments,” said Camas Mayor, Steve Hogan. “However, it’s nice to receive formal recognition of our efforts and to see that Camas really does stand out above the rest. This award from ETC shows we’re on the right track and we’ll keep working to make this City the best in our state, and one of the best in the nation.” 

A maximum of 100 points are awarded in each of these areas based on the results of the survey. In order to rank in the "Top 10% of All Cities,” a city must have received a composite score of 210 or more, which means the city scored an average of at least 70 points in all three areas. The threshold of 210 was established using the results of surveys from more than 450 communities that have participated in ETC lnstitute's DirectionFinder® Survey over the past two years.

The City of Camas's composite rating was 210 which was 89 points above the average composite score of 121 for all communities in the United States. In addition to ranking in the top 10% for all cities in the United States, Camas' ratings exceeded the national average by more than 20% for the 12 areas listed below:


  • Quality of customer services you receive (+38.7%)
  • Quality of services provided by the City (+29.4%)
  • City's overall efforts to prevent crime (+28.4%)
  • Quality of police services (+27.9%)
  • How quickly police respond to emergencies (+26.5%)
  • Quality of the City's public library services (+26.4%)
  • Quality of city sewer services (+26.1%)
  • Overall image of the City (+25.8%)
  • Quality of the City's parks and recreation programs (+24.2%)
  • Quality of the City's garbage services (+22.9%)
  • Value you receive from city tax dollars and fees (+21.1 %)
  • Effectiveness of communication with the public (+20.6%)

Since 1999, ETC lnstitute's DirectionFinder® Survey has been administered to nearly 2.3 million residents in all 50 states. Although ETC Institute has provided "benchmarking" data that has allowed communities, like Camas, to compare their results with other communities for many years, ETC Institute did not formally recognize the top performers until 2020.

ETC Institute is a leading Market Research and Survey company. Offering community surveys, organizational surveys, and transportation surveys of all types. More information is available at