Public Notice - Notice of Application Camas Wood (File No.SUB24-1001)
Camas Woods
(File no. SUB24-1002)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application for the “Camas Woods Subdivision” a 208-lot subdivision was received on November 14, 2024, resubmitted on December 23, 2024, and deemed technically complete on December 30, 2024. A public hearing is required for the development proposal and will be scheduled at a later date. A separate public hearing notice will be mailed to all property owners within 300-feet of the subject development and published in the Post Record.
Location: The +/- 36.37-acre site is zoned North Shore Higher Density Residential (HD-NS) in the City of Camas. The site is located at 921 SE Gardner in the NE ¼ of Section 35 Township 2 North, Range 3 East, Camas, WA, Parcel Number: 178169000.
Application Materials: The application included the following: project narrative, SEPA checklist, preliminary development plans, tree report, preliminary stormwater report, geotechnical report, critical areas report, road deviation request and traffic study. Application materials are available for review from the Community Development Department during regular business hours Monday – Friday 8am-5pm.
Questions/Comments: For questions related to this application, please contact Madeline Sutherland, Planner, at (360) 817-1568 or by email at .