Notice of Public Hearing - Zoning for Nourse Road Annexation (File No. ANNEX24-1002)
Notice of Public Hearing
Zoning for Nourse Road Annexation
(File No. ANNEX24-1002)
A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter, before the Planning Commission to consider zoning designations for the Nourse Road Annexation (ANNEX24-1002). The public hearing will be held at City Hall in the Council Chambers at 616 NE 4th Avenue.
Questions/Comments: The public hearing will follow the legislative process described within Camas Municipal Code §18.55.320. Comments related to this development may be submitted as follows: (1) By testifying at the virtual public hearing; (2) by regular mail to Community Development Department staff, Madeline Sutherland, Assistant Planner, at Camas City Hall, 616 Northeast Fourth Avenue, Camas, WA 98607; (3) by phone at (360) 817-1568; or (4) by email to: It is preferable that written comments be received at least five working days prior to the public hearing. After the agenda has been posted online, all other written comments must be received no later than noon (12:00 p.m.) the day of the hearing, in order for those comments to be provided to the Planning Commission. Written and oral comments may also be submitted during the hearing.
Participate: All citizens are entitled to have equal access to the services, benefits and programs of the City of Camas. Please contact the City Clerk at (360) 817-1591 for special accommodations if needed. The City will provide translators for non-English speaking persons who request assistance at least three working days prior to a public meeting or hearing.
More Information: The public hearing agenda and supporting documents will be available for review on the City’s website at the “Minutes, Agendas & Videos” link within the drop-down menu that is labeled “Your Government” or follow this link: