Adult Spelling Bee

Adult Spelling Bee

Think you're the best speller in Camas? Enter our Adult Spelling Bee to find out! You can join this spelling bee by yourself or in a team, so grab your friends for this fun, low-stakes game. There will be prizes!Rules:

Up to 4 people per team
Everyone on the team must be at least 18 years old
No cell phones or other devices can be used

How we'll play:

The Moderator will pronounce each word, use it in a sentence, and say the word again.
After the Moderator says the word a 2nd time, each team will have 60 seconds to discuss their answer and write it on the dry erase board.
After 60 seconds, each team will hold up their answers.
The word will then be projected onto a screen for everyone to see.
We'll start off easy, and work our way to more difficult words. 
We will play 3 rounds. The winning team from each round, will play against each other in a lightning round.
Whichever team has the most points during the lightning round, wins!

Registration required.