Northstar Digital Literacy

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Learn it. Know it. Show It.

Northstar Digital Literacy is an assessment and learning tool designed to assess the skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. Self-guided modules assess the ability of individuals to perform tasks based on these skills. Included are basic computer literacy standards and modules in three main areas: Essential Computer Skills, Essential Software Skills, and Using Technology to Accomplish Tasks.

Get Started

  1. Register for an account on Northstar to save your progress & assessments
  2. Visit from anywhere and login to take assessments and build your skills
  3. Practice & perfect your skills. Direct links to the ASSESSMENTS


Practice your skills through the modules & once ready take an assessment to determine your mastery of the skills. Once completed, Northstar shows digital core competencies that you have passed & those that you need practice on. Results can be printed to showcase scores & competencies.

If you wish to obtain a Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment (NDLA) Certification you will need to have a proctored exam. Proctored exams will only be conducted via Zoom at this time. Please fill out this interest form to schedule an Online Proctored Certification Exam: Schedule Your Online Exam


Available Lessons:

Essential computer skills
Essential software skills
Using technology in daily life