Friends & Foundation of the Camas Library

Friends & Foundation of the Camas Library logo

The Friends & Foundation of the Camas Library (FFCL) helps the Library promote literacy and provide quality library services and programs. They are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.

If you would like to be involved in any way, email them or make an account here.

To support these important efforts and more, the FFCL holds fundraising activities throughout the year, including used book sales. They also accept tax-deductible memorial or commemorative donations and bequests. The FFCL mailing address is the same as the Library's: 625 NE 4th Ave, Camas, WA 98607. Tax ID Number: 91-3129019.

Find them on Facebook!



You may make a monetary donation here. If you would like more information about bequests, matching gifts, and more, please email


Books and other items are accepted for donation. These items are first evaluated for addition to the Library's permanent collection, and then evaluated for used book sales (from which all proceeds go toward Library programs). Please bring your donations to the Library's service desk. If you have a large volume of donations, please contact the Library ahead of time at 360-834-4692 to arrange for drop-off or pick-up. If you would like a donation receipt, ask for one when you drop off your items.

All items must be in good or better condition.  Anything written in, torn, wet, moldy, smelly, or damaged will not be accepted.

Items accepted for donation are:

  • fiction and non-fiction
  • adult, teen, and children's books
  • large print
  • hardback and softback
  • DVDs
  • CDs
  • Vintage/antique books (published pre-1970) in excellent condition

Items not accepted for donation are:

  • newspapers
  • encyclopedias
  • phone books/directories
  • magazines (including no National Geographic)
  • Time-Life books
  • Reader's Digest condensed books
  • textbooks/teacher's edition textbooks
  • Advanced Reader Copies/Uncorrected Proofs
  • coloring books
  • books in a language other than English
  • "free" government publications
  • spiral-bound books
  • 3-ring binder books
  • VHS tapes
  • cassette tapes
  • vinyl records
  • travel, medical, or business books that were published more than three years ago

Board of Directors

11 positions available, including four Officer positions. All are required to attend quarterly meetings, and are encouraged to lead and/or participate in committees and projects. The first term is one year, and terms after that are three years. Bylaws are available for viewing here.



Preside over quarterly Board meetings, direct and guide work of FFCL.


Preside over quarterly Board meetings if the President isn’t available, facilitate Executive Committee meetings.


Supervise and monitor all FFCL finances, including tracking income and expenses and production of quarterly board reports, processing mail, deposits, and reimbursements, and coordination with CPA annually for tax preparation.


Create and deliver Board agendas, record, and archive meeting minutes.

Standing Committees

Communications, Fundraising, Book Sale

Each committee is comprised of one Board Director and others who are interested in the purpose and mission of each committee. You do not need to be a Board Director to be on a committee.



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

FFCL board