Lake Road Construction Project Timeline
Phase 1 – April-July 2020*
- This phase is when most of the work will occur.
- The current intersection is anticipated to remain open and functional for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Pedestrians may experience minor rerouting.
- Construction is planned to take place next to – but not directly on – existing roadways.
- A handful of short-term lane closures for utility work are anticipated.
- Work will include activities such as building the center of the roundabout, widening northbound and southbound travel lanes, and tree removal. View the Overview and Detailed View in the Supporting Documents below.
- Flaggers will be present to guide construction trucks in and out of the area as needed. Short traffic delays are expected in these instances.
*At the Jan. 23, 2020, project update meeting, a March start date was shared. Based on the final bid and construction timeline, the starting month has been adjusted.
Phase 2 – August 2020
- The roundabout is anticipated to be open for partial use by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.
- Construction is planned to take place within the existing roadway.
- Pedestrians and bicyclists will be able to use the newly constructed sidewalk east of the roundabout.
- A temporary traffic signal will be installed.
- Flaggers will be present to guide construction trucks in and out of the area as needed. Short traffic delays are expected in these instances.
Phase 3 – September-October 2020
- The roundabout is anticipated to be open for use by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Pedestrians may experience minor rerouting.
- Completion of remaining curb, sidewalk, and landscape areas is planned.
- Flaggers will be present to guide construction trucks in and out of the area as needed. Short traffic delays are expected in these instances.
Phase 4 – Plantings and Finishing Work – October-December 2020
- The roundabout is anticipated to be fully functional.
- Installation of irrigation systems is planned.
- Planting of non-bare-root trees and shrubs in the landscape areas is anticipated to begin in October.
- Planting of bare-root trees and shrubs in the mitigation area is planned for December due to the longer required harvest time of bare-root plant material.