Source Control Inspection Program
The City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater Permit mandates the City of Camas to implement a Source Control Program to prevent and reduce pollutants in runoff from areas that discharge to the City’s MS4. This program applies operational source control best management practices (BMPs), and if necessary, structural source control BMPs or treatment BMPs/facilities, or both, to pollution generating sources associated with existing land uses and activities.
The Source Control Program requires inspection of pollution generating sources at publicly and privately owned institutional, commercial, and industrial sites to enforce implementation of required BMPs to control pollution discharging into the MS4.
Inspections are designed to be helpful and friendly with a goal of educating businesses on how their daily activities may be impacting stormwater. Inspectors are full of resources that can help improve site conditions and good housekeeping, some are free to business owners!
If you would like to speak with an inspector or get a free inspection at your business, please reach out to Brian Monnin by email at or by phone at 360-817-7388. Together we can help to improve the water quality in our lakes, rivers, and streams!